
Meet The Google TV, Brand Platform for Internet TV

Google dan Sony telah memperkenalkan Google TV sebagai inovasi baru bagi dunia internet. Menonton saluran internet melalui Google TV ini akan semakin melengkapi slogan Sony Internet TV sebagai Televison meet internet that searches, smart and powerful.

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3 comments: on "Meet The Google TV, Brand Platform for Internet TV"

Liz said...

Nice intro my friend. Keep sharing!

John Rocks said...

It is really more effective potential tool. Thanks for sharing this nice post.
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Anonymous said...

Hey this is Connan. I just wanted to give our Google fans and DISH Network some wonderful news. Google's Logitch Revue is compatible with DISH Network's 722, 722k, and 622 model receivers. DISH cusomer have the option to have the receiver intergrated so you can watch TV and surf the web at the same time and also broaden your search. As a DISH employee I can tell you that if you choose to take use this function there is a $4 intergration fee. You can get more information about this at the DISH website.

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